Challenge 1 - 56 Miles in February for Prostate Cancer Research - Reflections

Originally, when I took on this challenge, I thought 56 miles in 28 days would be quite easy to complete. With hindsight that was not the case, as to do something like this every day consistently takes devotion and a strong mindset. I am confident that I would have been able to complete this challenge as envisaged had it not been for getting ill just a few days in, racked with heavy flu, and struggling to breathe for a full week meant that I needed to take some time out. Once over the flu I began my walking again but really felt the strain of exercise for the first few days and knowing that I was behind schedule caused me some worry. I re-started my walks doing around 3 miles per day to catch up and gradually increased my distance, by about .25 miles per day, until I was achieving around 5 miles per day. I found myself transported back to my military training days pushing out the miles with a steadfast determination and silently telling myself that I was an achiever and that I would finish this. 

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update Final

Hooray!  Today's walk completed 5.44 miles which was sufficient to take me past the 56 Miles in February Challenge target.  Today I doubled up my challenge walk target with my day out with the camera, walking through Roker Park Sunderland, along Roker Beach and then following the northern Wearside pathway.  There were plenty of opportunities for photos although the cloud cover again spoiled the sunrise.  The sunshine did find a way past the clouds a little later in the morning which was glorious.  I have included a couple of the photos here but the majority I have placed in the "Learning Photography" section.

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update 6

I found it difficult to get up this morning when the alarm went off at 6.30am, it took me 20 minutes to rise and as a result I missed the best of the morning twilight.  However, on the positives, I was in time to see the sun rise, it was amazing and for many days now hasn't been visible due to the cloud cover.  This morning was an uplifting experience and made my walk so much easier, a spring in the step and a smile on my face, what could be better.  I have included a few of my photos from my walk here, all taken on my phone but I think they are worth sharing all the same.  My lesson for today: the early bird does get the worm and if I had have got up on time I would have seen the full twilight. Only 5.16 miles to go for completion of my challenge, this will be done tomorrow. Hooray!

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update 5

I went out today for my walk around lunchtime, the usual route, but as ever totally different from the day before.  The weather was much warmer, no need for my beany or gloves.  The outward journey once again assisted by a very lively wind and an agitated sea pounding away at the coast the sound of which was deafening and constant on the ears.  The pathway along the clifftop was noticeably void of other people, they probably had more sense to stay inside at home and keep their hair one place! I could tell that the return half of the trip was going to be a difficult one.  As I strode on to the beach section, the sea was practically at proper low tide with a large expanse of sand to walk on, this was much busier with dog walkers and people generally looking after their mental wellbeing.  I came across a group of 3 men out walking, all of them 80 years of age, and I had a good laugh with them and found out that one of them was my namesake, Colin.  They had all experienced illness recently and were looking after one another by keeping in touch and getting out for fresh air - lovely to see and meet them.  Walk on gentlemen.

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update 4

Another walk this morning along the coast, wind behind me for the outward journey and what looked like it might be a colourful sunrise. As it turned out there was a bit of colour but not what I had hoped for. I could hear the sea thundering in against the hard rocks and the cliff tops were peppered all over with white splashes of sea foam, whipped up by the crashing waves and then lofted on the cliff tops by the wind, quite spectacular and in some way made up for the lack of colour in the sunrise.

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update 3

Today was a total success, I went out with a mind to complete my longest walk yet - 5.11 miles completed, so just a shade over my 5 mile target. I am now over 35 miles into my challenge and absolutely back on track to do my target for the month.  Not getting complacent I will continue to aim for at least 4 miles a day just in case something happens that prevents me from going out sometime.

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Challenge 1 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update 2

Out again today, walking for PCR in February.  I am getting to know the coastal path along The Leas, and the beach at South Shields, quite well now.  It was difficult today, I have to admit as the wind was quite strong and southerly so the outbound trip wasn't too bad apart from the cold whereas the return half was truly bitter.  Wind in the face, and I swear that had I any hair on my head it would now be Scotland.  Fortunately no rain today.  I was able however to pick up a few pieces of sea-glass along the beach for my daughter who uses them to make pretty fabulous pictures for people.  I have now managed to complete over 30 miles so am past the halfway point and plodding on.

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Update

Out again this morning, early doors, the morning was a chilly one and there was sea fret on the coast which made for quite an eerie start as you can see by the photo of Marsden Bay and the Grotto pub on the beach.  Surprisingly there were very few people around, I think they must be waiting for warmer start. The sound of the crunching gravel underfoot on the coastal path seemed especially rich today and the seabirds were quite vocal as they swooped and swooned around the cliff edges.  It seemed as if the maritime orchestra had got up early too to help with my walk as the sea was lapping around hard rocks and then the occasional crash against the outcrops as if  the sea was smashing it's cymbals.  So a walk shorter than yesterday but really refreshing and another 3 miles notched up on my 56 target.  Feeling pleased and refreshed.

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Challenge 1 - 56 Miles for Prostate Cancer Research - Latest

After having made a good start of over 10 miles in my first four days, I got knocked back with flu for a week where I was unable to get out.  This morning was my first return to the walk, so I was delighted to have achieved 3.86 miles, bringing my total so far to 14.13 miles.  To achieve my target for the month I now have an average daily target of 2.79 miles which I am sure will be achievable, and all for a good cause.  Here are some photos of my walk this morning along The Leas at South Shields.

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